Archbishop Sentamu Slices Dog Collar and Mugabe too… by Tracy | December 9, 2007 | Filed in : Politics | 0 comments How dare the Archbiship of York, Dr John Sentamu tell the world that Africa’s leaders are hypocrites for

Archbishop Sentamu Slices Dog Collar and Mugabe too…

by Tracy | December 9, 2007 | Filed in : Politics | 0 comments

How dare the Archbiship of York, Dr John Sentamu tell the world that Africa’s leaders are hypocrites for turning a blind eye to Mugabe’s power-hungry ways? How dare he suppose that Africa should hold its own leaders accountable if one of their club members should let a little power go to his head and run rampant all over his people? I mean the gall!

In today’s BBC News , they cover his bold move on the Andrew Marr Show.

Cutting up his dog collar on camera, now that is some good TV! While many African leaders, including Senegal’s Wade and Botswana’s Marafe are quick to defend Mugabe and literally hold his hand at the EU/Africa Summit this week; Sentamu does not hold back his disgust and ire. Does being part of the fight for independence that ended in 1979 excuse Mugabe from his excesses of power? Under his rule the economy of Zimbabwe has crumbled to the point that in January of this year inflation had reached 1,593.6%, unemployment has held steady at 80% since 2005. He is routinely accused of elections tampering… not to mention the fabulous comparisons to Venezula’s increasingly nutty Hugo Chavez. Yeahp… that is what Africa needs… sharing headlines with lunatic South American Dictators.

Then, there are the suspicions of the massacre of Zimbabwean citizens while he was Prime Minister, the grab for power on the way to Presidency, botched land reform that left poor Zimbabwean’s poorer still (but Mugabe himself with THREE estates)… ummm the list goes on, but I am not telling anybody anything they don’t already know. The comparisons to Idi Amin are unavoidable. Fatherless, uneducated, military man grabs power, massacres his own citizens, steals property, destroys the economy, uses his ill-gotten power to destroy his country and while he is at it, setting them back 30-40-50 years….

So, what the hell? Why give this guy the time of day? Why not drive him out like West Africa drove out Liberia’s Charles Taylor. Why honor a man who rather then free his people from colonialism so that they could thrive and prosper, instead took the reigns of power to benefit himself and his cronies. Gordon was right to boycott the EU/Africa Summit. Kudos to Sentamu for keeping the light pointed on this man and mess he has created.

Here! Here!

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