Teen Driver Crashes and Fatalities Spike Up During the Pandemic

teenage boy on phone after car crash

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted nearly every aspect of daily life as well as how the world functions from concerts to shopping and everything in-between. One less-thought-about aspect that’s changed is how people are driving. More specifically, what car accident statistics look like as more people work remotely or are… Read more“Teen Driver Crashes and Fatalities Spike Up During the Pandemic”

How to Use Social Media to Create Satisfying Customer Value Interactions

woman using phone for social media

The name of the game in modern marketing is customer value. Thanks to the interactive nature social media, companies have more opportunities than ever before to create satisfying interactions with customers that build the value marketing plans rely on. Through these platforms, businesses can boost their customer lifetime value (CLV),… Read more“How to Use Social Media to Create Satisfying Customer Value Interactions”

Ways a Career Change Can Affect Your Divorce Proceedings

Black shoes standing on the asphalt concrete floor with white arrows

Life isn’t something you can put on hold, even in the middle of a divorce. When a great job opportunity comes along, it isn’t something you can simply ignore. Unfortunately, that decision is one that could affect how your divorce proceedings play out. Here’s what you need to know.  Child… Read more“Ways a Career Change Can Affect Your Divorce Proceedings”