BarCamp Africa | Project Diaspora

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BarCamp Africa

Well, it looks like it is conference time! BarCampAfrica (in California) is gearing up to be a great event. Hosted at the Google Campus, and geared to connect the technology community with those who want to ignite social change in Africa. Honestly, I must be living under a rock because I have never even heard of these events and there seem to breeding like rabbits all over the world.

From their mission statement:

BarCamp Africa/Silicon Valley brings people, institutions and enterprises interested in Africa – as a topic, an opportunity, or a place of action – together in one location to exchange ideas, build connections, re-frame perceptions and catalyze action that leads to positive involvement and mutual benefit between Silicon Valley and the continent of Africa.

I love the un-conference concept these events have. With a little elbow grease and mental effort a person living in the Bay Area could attend one of these events for basically $0. Which in the day of $1000 conference tickets is really amazing.

So I am a conference newbie in search for a topic. As apparently you must participate when you attend. No slacking off and just listening.

So I am thinking maybe:

  • Ways that technology can connect the Diaspora for social change. Challenges to engagement
  • How can 1st world technology change 3rd world poverty cycles. eg: access to banking, information and communication.
  • Thoughts? I am open to suggestions!

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    Comments »

    • tumwijuke says:

      Barcamp Africa held in California? Typical!

      Needless to say, the people who ned it the most will not be there.

    • Perrin Clark says:

      Tracy1314-thanks for blogging about BarCamp Africa. I think both of your topics are worth discussing. Keep an eye on the wiki for updates this week.

      Tumwijuke – who are you referring to that needs to be there?

    • tracy1314 says:

      tumwijuke: I would notmally agree with you except there are BarCamps in Africa too. There was just one in Kampala as a matter of fact.

    • Tracy1314 – I like your ideas. I think that is a great start. Please keep brainstorming and sharing. We are really excited about strengthening the bonds, conversations and connections between those on the African continent and those in the Silicon Valley and beyond. This is truly an effort at building stronger networks and I think you and your work will be a great addition to the conversation.