Global Youth Participation Week
I have recently joined an international team planning for the Global Youth Participation Week.
The Global Youth Participation Week (GYPW) is an opportunity to help bridge that gap. The GYPW will be a globally coordinated campaign shining the spotlight on youth participation. Imagine:
- a week where not only young people and youth organizations, but also media, policy-makers and civil society will align their attention and efforts for the cause of youth participation;
- a week that will act as a catalyst for funding, mobilization and capacity building;
- a week that will serve as a container for ideas and projects by the young people who want to address some of their existing needs with the opportunities provided by this initiative;
- a week of reflection and action on the context-specific critical challenges that can be addressed by global cooperation;
- a week where local activities are coupled with a global outreach campaign that relies on new and old forms of media;
- a week that practices what it preaches: all efforts will be led by youth, in equal partnership with older generations.
We’re still looking for a few more members to round-out the team. As an international effort, (all) we’re looking for is 8-10 hours a week for a year, as well as a somewhat functioning Internet connection for Skyping.
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