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Article Archive for July 2009
Not too long ago we covered the fact that the first ever WherecampAfrica was being held in Nairobi. Well, I neglected to follow up and there are some cool things that have come out of …
Recently was contacted by their event manager and was impressed by what I saw on their site. This looks like a fun event, totally worth checking out! So all you folks in London, stop on …
Just found out today the the flood of African BarCamps has added another member! BarCamp Cameroon is in the planning stages so if you are interested in lending your support please let them know! Join …
Dear Mr. Studio Executive from A Library In Iga on Vimeo.
Posted by Tracy for Anita Adoba of A Library In Iga
The biggest challenge faced in the fight against AIDS, at least from my perspective, is …
Australia’s relationship with Africa is a weak one though it is becoming increasingly strong due to a number of factors. With the exception of countries such as South Africa, whose relationship with Australia stretches back to the anti-apartheid movement, Australia’s political and economic involvement with Africa has been limited.
Although she left Senegal at the tender age of 2, Mariémme managed to retain that African connection and has responded to her heart string’s call to come back to Senegal and neighboring countries to share her knowledge by training generations of young men and women to be entrepreneurs.
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Ato Ulzen-Appiah On BarCamps Ghana and Diaspora from Project Diaspora on Vimeo.
BarCamp Diapora is coming up fast. For those of you living in our near DC sign up and join the conversation! Admission is free… …
Esi Yankah, CEO of The Africa Mentor Network, Inc. contacted PD with information on an upcoming networking event for Ghana’s enterprising youth to be held this August. The event will offer selected youth a chance …
According to the press release, “the purpose of the show is to promote tourism and real estate in Africa by bringing together African-based businesses and tourism officials with Canadian and American consumers.”
Ken Banks, the one-man team behind kiwanja.net, is a powerhouse. His output of interviews, blog posts, Twitter updates and other social media tricks speaks to his determination to contribute to the emerging realm of information …