5 Tips for Finding the Right EHR for Your Practice

The benefits of EHR software are numerous. By implementing EHR for your practice, you’ll be able to improve productivity, securely share electronic information, and more accurately diagnose patients.

But shopping for EHR software is no small task. There are many systems on the market today, and each one has unique pros and cons. Make sure you land the right EHR for your practice by following these 5 tips.

1. Define Your Needs

The first step in shopping for an EHR is to define your needs. This will allow you to recognize the right software when you come across it, and more effectively weed out the software that isn’t the best match for your practice. Think about the pain points you’re experiencing in your current situation, and how an EHR might solve those problems. Is your priority better security? Greater efficiency? Additionally, consider any needs that might be unique to your practice or specialty.

2. Set Goals

Once you know your needs, it’s time to set goals regarding what you want the EHR to help you accomplish. These goals will allow you to narrow down your EHR software options, and also help you measure the success of the EHR once you put it to use. Goals might include seeing more patients, reducing prescribing errors, or having a more organized billing process. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, and listed somewhere so everyone in the practice knows about the goals.

3. Research Thoroughly

Now you get to start shopping around. You’ll have hundreds of EHR vendors to choose from, so try to narrow down your options as fast as you can by reading online reviews, asking colleagues which EHR they chose, and consulting any medical societies you may be a member of. Personal references are the best route to finding a quality EHR, but be sure the EHR meets your unique needs before making any decisions.

4. Utilize Demos

Almost all EHR software companies offer demonstrations so you can get a better idea of how the EHR system works. This is a great opportunity to test drive an EHR before purchasing, so take advantage of the opportunity. Be sure to ask lots of questions during the demo, and don’t be afraid to follow up with the vendor if you’re still unsure.

5. Negotiate Your Contract

Once you’ve settled on the right EHR for your practice, take time to read through your contract so you know what you’re committing to. Find out how long the contract lasts and what happens when it expires. Confirm all the costs and details that go into the contract, and negotiate as appropriate for your situation.

Implementing These Tips

By following these 5 tips, you’ll be on your way to finding the right EHR software for your practice. You’ll soon be enjoying greater efficiency, faster charting, and a more convenient medical records system for patients, providers, and insurance companies alike.