It is an unfortunate reality for many people as they get older.
No matter what you may do, arthritis can and will often sneak up on you, impacting your joints and your flexibility and, in some cases, even negatively impacting your sleep.
So, doing just as the doctor ordered, you cut out all inflammatory foods, and reduce your fat and sugar, only to find that this is pretty boring and that you want to eat something tasty and exotic. Fear no more! There are tonnes of spices and herbs that have been found to alleviate the swelling that accompanies arthritis and can be found in Indian dishes, as well as many African and Italian ones.
With that in mind, here are some of the top spices that can calm down arthritic discomfort.
Most people are familiar with turmeric, more so for its vibrant yellow/orange color than its taste.
However, whether you are consuming it via a turmeric rice that you have ordered from, or you have added it to a homemade curry yourself, turmeric has immense anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an antioxidant, so it can also help not keep wrinkles and free radicals (which are linked to cancer) at bay. It is best consumed and has the best impact on osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
This spice has been studied by Harvard University extensively, and research has found, time and time again, that it has a real impact on arthritis.
It contains a compound called curcumin, which, like turmeric, is an anti-inflammatory that can reduce inflammation and the associated discomfort that you may feel alongside the swelling. Indeed, so great is this spice’s impact on inflammation that another study found that consuming a cumin extract three times per day had the same impact as a 1,2000 mg dose of ibuprofen without tummy aches! So, great stuff.
Rat studies conducted in labs have found that ginger can alleviate joint discomfort that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
When taken in higher doses over a month, this study found that those little rats with arthritis were moving better, had more flexibility, and were more mentally acute. The same effect was found in humans, so be sure to stock up on your ginger supplements or add it to every curry that you make!
You may be noticing a theme at this point; all of the spices that have anti-inflammatory properties also have antioxidants, and cinnamon is no different!
Indeed, when compared to 26 other spices and herbs, cinnamon was found to have the most significant impact on free radicals, as well as inflammation, which makes it an ideal add-on to a diet for anyone who has rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.
Cayenne Pepper
Another great-tasting spice that is an ideal addition to any diet is cayenne pepper.
Unlike the other spices, this one is high in capsaicin, which is a substance that has been proven to reduce inflammation and block pain receptors. So, add it to noodles, or even make a cayenne pepper sauce to drizzle on sandwiches and feel your aches and pains melt away.