Check out this ultimate list of the top 5 top marijuana growing tips for beginners to assist you in your quest to be a better weed grower today! And oh, don’t forget to keep up the good vibes by sharing your tips with others who are likewise interested in finding the best ways to grow marijuana. Sharing tips and techniques with like minded people who have also mastered the art of marijuana cultivation can bring you great personal success as you strive to be the best weed grower you can be. It really is a learning curve, and each of us will go through a little bump along the road as we try to perfect our own methods. The more you put into your efforts, the more successful you will become. We also recommend using grow kits for beginner growers, A Pot For Pot has some great grow kits.
Before you even attempt to start growing cannabis, there are a few things that you must understand and consider. First of all, even though the best of marijuana growing tips will inform you to start off with high quality soil, and organic seeds, you must also take into account your knowledge of which type of plant is most suitable for growing indoors. While many would argue against the idea of indoor growing, studies have shown that it is by far the most effective way to cultivate cannabis.
The type of bud you plant will determine many aspects of its eventual growth pattern and health. Make sure you learn as much about marijuana growing tips as you possibly can before you start, and don’t be shy to ask questions when you don’t understand something. This will ensure that you know what is going on before your plants show any signs of improvement, and you won’t be disappointed. As a starting marijuana growing beginner, it is recommended that you begin with low-light or partial sunlight gardening. Don’t start with plants that require full sun because they will not mature for long and your efforts will be wasted.
Your soil should be relatively dry but should be firm and well rotted to make it easier for the earthworms to break it down. You need to take care when choosing the soil because it will be feeding your plants, and may contain chemicals that could prove harmful if consumed by your or animals. Beginners should begin with an organic garden soil mix because it is slow to release nutrients and has a high water holding capacity. Organic soil is also highly weed resistant. If you are unsure about whether or not this type of soil will work, try growing vegetables in the same conditions to get a general idea.
Once you have chosen the type of soil, you are ready to begin your first batch of plants. Marijuana growing tips tell you to germinate your seeds before you place them into the holes. Germination is a very critical step, because it allows you to know that the seeds are getting exactly what they need to grow and mature quickly. It is also important to use a medium that allows the seeds to grow and spread out as much as possible. Media like perlite, medium and light gravel are great for outdoor growing and for growing seedlings to take home to keep them healthy.
Another valuable marijuana growing tip is to keep your pot sitting in a shady area of your garden for at least a week prior to transplanting it outdoors. A week before is best but not required. What you want to do is put your outdoor growing plantings in a place where they will receive at least 6 hours of sunlight and have direct access to water. Your outdoor growing seeds should come in a variety of strains, so find out what ones are suited for your specific climate and planting zone.
The final marijuana growing tips you need to know is how to avoid diseases and insects that can harm your plants while they are growing. Proper watering, well-drained soil and periodic mulching are essential to weed growth and to keep your plants healthy and strong. Some plants need to be mulched, while others can survive on just being watered. There are several methods available to you for watering your plants, depending on whether you are growing outdoors or indoors. Also, it’s important to protect your soil from any external elements that can damage it, such as pollution and heavy rain.
Finally, you need to keep your marijuana growing process simple and easy. Make sure that you are using a well-balanced fertilizer to feed your plants as well as some sort of mulch to keep the soil moist. Don’t over-feed your plants. They don’t have to go hungry! A good rule of thumb is to provide your plants with 1 inch of water per week. For plants that are under a year old, you should increase this water allotment to 2 inches a week.