Buying a house, paying for college, and purchasing a new vehicle are some of the largest expenses for any individual. While the initial price tag is high, the cost to maintain a vehicle can also be staggering. That’s aside from any accidents and legal fees, though you can rely on this car accident lawyer at Easton & Easton for a fair price.
While every vehicle needs regular maintenance, especially as it ages, there are some that cost drivers more than others. These are the most expensive vehicles to maintain according to over 120,000 records over a ten-year period.
Infiniti Q45
A flagship sedan for Infiniti, the Q45 received plenty of acclaim before the M45 took its place. While you might be able to find a good deal in a used car lot, beware the high price of ongoing maintenance. Here are the price points:
- $169 for an oil and filter change
- $741 for new brake pads and rotors
- $474 for a new starter
- $13,900 10-year cost
Audi A4 Allroad
A luxurious SUV, the A4 Allroad offers all-wheel drive and plenty of ground clearance. Underbody protection and several SUV-style touches make this a rival to the Subaru Outback. To get an idea of how much regular maintenance will cost you, consider the following prices:
- $173 for an oil and filter change
- $824 for brake pads and rotors
- $724 to replace the starter
- $13,700 10-year cost
Lincoln MKS
This full-size Lincoln, made from 2009 to 2016, was later replaced by the Continental. It wasn’t the most exciting model created by the manufacturer, but it does cost an arm and a leg to maintain. If you’ve been considering a used MKS, here are some costs to consider:
- $170 for an oil and filter change
- $790 to replace the brakes and rotors
- $437 for a new starter
- $14,600 10-year cost
A coupe alternative to the M3 sedan, the M4 is at the top of its performance line. BMWs are costly initial purchases, but owners can expect to pay plenty more as they work to maintain this sporty vehicle. Here are a few costs to consider:
- $169 for an oil and filter change
- A whopping $3,704 to replace the brake pads and rotors
- $813 to replace the starter
- $14,900 10-year cost
BMW 640i Gran Coupe
With superb style and performance wrapped into one package, the 640i Gran Coupe is a classy option for any car lover. Like many BMWs, though, it also costs a good bit to maintain. Out of all the BMWs on the market, this one happens to be the costliest.
- $169 for an oil and filter change
- $1,587 for new brake pads and rotors
- $813 for a new starter
- $15,700 10-year cost
Porsche 911
With high price tags across the board, it makes sense that a Porsche ends this list. While you do get optimum German engineering as well as heart-pounding performance, maintaining this mechanical beast doesn’t come cheap. Here’s what repairs look like:
- $201 for an oil and filter change
- $3,176 for new brake pads and rotors
- $1,351 to replace the starter
- $19,600 10-year cost