Marijuana—love it or hate it, use it daily or never; it’s a topic people love to discuss. Because of the differences of opinion on whether or not it should be legal, it’s a controversial subject that has come up more often than not as of late. However, the discussions aren’t always constructive or harmless. Because of misconceptions and myths, there’s a lot of false and inaccurate information being spread about marijuana and its derivatives, like CBD and hemp.
Despite the myths, (both positive and negative), and the misconceptions surrounding cannabis and its relatives, there are companies out there, like Verma Farms, that are working to bring to light CBD benefits and bust the stigma surrounding marijuana. And one of the best ways to do that is by addressing marijuana myths with the facts.
#1. Marijuana and CBD are the Same
Despite the big differences, some people think of marijuana and CBD as the same thing. Although you can use both marijuana and CBD for pain relief, and although they have some other similarities, they are quite different. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a derivative of marijuana, (or hemp in some cases), that is made into an oil that can be added to food, beauty products, or taken as it is to provide the benefits of marijuana without the psychoactive effects. So, if you’re looking for pain relief but don’t want to get high, you can find the best CBD for pain relief instead of turning directly to marijuana for relief.
#2. Marijuana Can Help with Anxiety
Studies have shown that marijuana, and even CBD, really can help provide short-term relief from the overwhelming effects of anxiety. Some people may feel against marijuana, but when it comes to its use in situations where it can alleviate both physical and emotional ailments, they feel differently. And, just like with pain relief, if you’re interested in its ability to relieve anxiety but don’t want to get high, you can always find the best CBD oil for anxiety and get the benefits without the psychoactive side effects.
#3. Marijuana Isn’t Legalized in Every State Yet, but CBD Is
All but three states have legalized marijuana for medical use, and a good handful more have legalized it completely. It’s a common misconception that CBD is legal in every state, though. The only CBD that is legal through the USA is sourced from industrial hemp.
The truth is, whether marijuana or CBD, even if a state has legalized it for use in all ways and in all forms, marijuana is still not legal on the federal level. Therefore, it is still possible to get arrested and even earn some jail time should the feds find you using or under the influence, even if it’s only CBD since CBD is a derivative of marijuana.
#4. “Medical Marijuana” is Just an Excuse for People to Get High (Legally)
While there may be some people who use their need for medical marijuana as an excuse to enjoy the high that the plant offers a little more often than they need it to treat symptoms, the fact is that medical conditions are very real, and the benefits that marijuana can offer people with certain conditions are real as well. Whether it be anxiety, cancer, pain, or any other condition, people are able to legitimately use marijuana to help alleviate symptoms; it’s not just an excuse to get high.
#5. Eat it or Smoke it, the Results are the Same
While both eating and smoking marijuana can and will get you high, the high is not the same. When you ingest marijuana, it is generally more concentrated and can have stronger results. That means that the amount of food you eat versus the number of blunts you smoke to achieve the same high will be out of proportion.
#6. Marijuana is not Addictive
This myth is very often debated, but ultimately it depends on how you look at it. While it may be true that marijuana does not have the same effects on the brain and body that drugs and alcohol might, virtually anything can be addictive—even food. And, although the body may not experience the same symptoms of addiction and withdrawal as it might with drugs and alcohol, there can be psychological withdrawal symptoms including cravings and irritability. So, some might argue that whether or not marijuana is addictive depends on how you are defining addiction.
#7. George Washington Grew Marijuana
Many times, people who are in support of and want to prove that marijuana isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be will use the argument that our Founding Fathers, specifically George Washington, were known to grow and even enjoy marijuana. This myth is not accurate, but it’s easy to understand where it comes from. Although George Washington did not grow marijuana, he did grow its relative, hemp, (back then, hemp was used for a myriad of purposes). With that understanding, it’s easy to understand where this myth and the misunderstanding came from.
#8. You Can’t “Overdose” on Marijuana
Although it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to take a fatal dose of marijuana, it’s not necessarily true that you can’t overdose. If you don’t consider overdosing taking a deadly amount, then it is definitely possible to overdo it with cannabis. Smoking or ingesting too much can cause problems ranging from something as mild as an upset stomach to as serious as disorientation, confusion, and hallucinations requiring hospitalization.
#9. Marijuana is Natural, so It’s not as Harmful as Synthetic Drugs
Because it is a plant, many people think that marijuana is less harmful than other synthetic drugs; however, despite it being natural, it can still have some harmful effects. It may not be as dangerous as other drugs in many ways, but ultimately you should still ensure that you are informed of its potential side effects if you intend to use it.
#10. You Can Drive High Better Than Drunk
The fact of the matter is that driving impaired is illegal and dangerous. Although some people may want to debate which is safer—driving high or driving drunk—you should never drive while intoxicated. Luckily, there are plenty of services, like Uber, that you can use to help you get where you need to go without requiring you get behind the wheel. And if you’ve already eaten a pot brownie or smoked a blunt and are hoping for some more, you can even use a service like Emjay to have your marijuana brought to you.
What other marijuana myths do you seem to hear time and time again?